Saturday, June 20, 2009


I loved in April when the snow finally started to melt. We sanded, not salted the roads so there was plenty of sand to build a dam. People would call my Mom to complain I was building dams on my way home from school and their yards were flooding. (OLD FARTS!!!) We had to wear over shoe boots which zipped up and had fur along the top. Had to use bread bags to slip them over my shoes easier. Could never figure out how my mom knew I had taken my boots off on the first nice days after she cautioned me to "keep your boots on." Think perhaps the wet shoes were a hint. Spring was also the time for marble playing. We would make a hole by sticking our heel in the dirt and turning around to make the hole. We would stand back and throw our marbles. The one closest to the hole got to shoot first. Whoever got all their marbles in first won all the marbles. I was pretty good. No real exertion needed. Drove mom crazy tho as my fingers were always black when Easter came around. I was sent to church in new dress, hat and gloves with the warning to leave my gloves on. what a great childhood I had.

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